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First Blush Mint Julep

Picture it; a large front porch, a chair on that porch, overlooking the beautiful deep blue skies of the deep south. And the picture wouldn't be complete without an ice cold mint julep, slowly sipped to ease the heat of a summer day. Mint juleps are refreshing and tasty but can also be healthy. Made with natural fruit juice, mint juleps can be a healthy alternative to those sugar filled drinks that pack on the calories and the pounds. Here's a recipe for a healthy mint julep.

First Blush Mint Julep Healthy Drink

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes


* 1 oz. First Blush Juice (either Cabernet, Merlot or Rose’) - All Natural Fruit Juice
* 1 1/2 oz. all natural grapefruit juice
* 1/2 oz. freshly squeezed lime juice
* 2 mint sprigs


1. Bruise 1 mint sprig in bar mixing glass with lime juice.

2. Add remaining ingredients and shake over ice.

3. Strain over ice into a chilled rocks glass.

4. Garnish with the remaining mint.

Credits: Cecilia Orozco
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