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Greek Yoghurt, Wild Honey and Summer Fruits Breakfast

Definitely a dish to bring out the sunshine - preferably eat this on the balcony overlooking the Aegean sea. Known colloquially as 'ko' - that's Greek for breakfast.

Greek Yoghurt, Wild Honey and Summer Fruits Recipe


For two people (Vegetarian)

1 small tub Greek yoghurt
1 fresh peach
1/2 Ogen melon
2 ripe yellow plums
8-10 strawberries
2 fresh figs
wild flower or similar honey


Peel and slice the figs, stone and cut the peach into thick slices, stone and quarter the plums and place around a large plate. De-seed the melon, remove the outside skin and chop into bite sized squares, add to the plate together with the fresh strawberries. Pour a pile of the Greek yoghurt in the centre of the dish and drizzle everything with the wild flower honey.

Change into your bathing costume and eat this delicious breakfast.

Body Talk

Healthy, tasty, and wonderfully designed, this recipe will leave you longing for the next breakfast time. Natural yoghurt helps to keep the bacterial balance correct in your digestive system, and the combination of fruits will act like a vitamin and mineral pill, as well as conataining plenty of fibre. Pure health and deliciousness on a plate.

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